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Everything you need to know about the modern book publishing process—from prepping your manuscript to getting that polished look and feel to launching with readers and reviews, from Day 1.

We're taking you step-by-step through our publishing company's best practices, all so you can publish your book successfully.


Here's Everything You Get...

The Book Publishing Master Checklist

14 pages of beautifully organized to-do items, all ready for you to print out, pin them to your wall, clip them into a binder, keep them next to your desk to help you focus on exactly what step is next in your book publishing process. Print out as many copies as you want!

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The Book Publishing Roadmap

This overview helps you to keep an eye on the big picture of the 12 phases you're moving through as you finish your manuscript, design your book, and create your book marketing plan, so you can plan the major phases month-by-month and week-by-week.

Guidance from a Publisher

Morgan and the Paper Raven Books Team guide you through the Roadmap and the Checklist, so that when you lay all the pieces in front of you, you know how to use these book publishing best practices to your advantage.

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Tools We Use and Recommend

There's nothing worse than paying for a software, ony to find out that it doesn't actually do what you need it to do. We've tested out hundreds of tools in the process of publishing over 200 books, and we're giving you the best of the best tools—the ones that make self-publishing easy and still give your book that professional look and feel.

What Others Are Saying...

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Frequently Asked Questions...

What type of book will this work for?

This publishing process works for any type of book!

Can I print out the checklist?

Absolutely! You can use any printer to print out this checklist again and again, as many times as you need it. Heck, you could laminate the pages, if you want to reuse the checklist for multiple books.

How will I access the companion Bonus Resources?

As soon as your order is submitted, we'll email you the Checklist, Roadmap, and your access to the private area where all the Bonus Resources are stored for you.

Will this help if I'm working with a publishing partner?

BlaGotta be real honest, if you don't know what Black Friday is, then I'm not sure I can help you on this one!


The Book Publishing Master Checklist

is only $5 today!

And will only be available for a short time.

Go ahead and grab your Checklist

and all the Bonus Resources today!



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